Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Women's Basketball: Geethu A. Jose to try out in the WNBA

Will she be the first Indian in the WNBA? The 25 year old from Kerala is currently the captain of the Indian women's basketball team. She towers at 6'2'' and is a prolific scorer who averaged 22 points per game at the 2009 FIBA Asia Women's Basketball Championships.

“I have waited a long time for this opportunity – I can’t believe that it’s finally here,” said Jose. “It has been my dream to play at the highest level – the WNBA. It does not matter which team gives me the opportunity there – I just want to compete.”              
It turns out that Jose was actually invited to try out for WNBA teams last year but was unable to take advantage. This time, she will.
The Indian Basketball Federation’s (BFI) Harish Sharma said: “This is an incredible opportunity for Geethu Anna Jose.
“We are delighted for her and everyone who supports basketball in India will hope and pray for her success with the tryouts.
“She was offered the same opportunity last year, but due to complications she couldn’t make it – we are glad that this time, her dream is one step closer to being realised.”
“This has been one major step for us at BFI in promoting Indian players throughout the world,” Sharma said.
“We will be looking to support such opportunities for other basketball players in India as well – the more players that proper outside of India, the more prosperity they will be bringing to the game of basketball in India.”


  1. I know right!! Not the first time a woman single-handedly represents the Indians in a sports.

  2. your photo use in fake website
