Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Sacramento Kings and India

Links between the Sacramento Kings and India:
While randomly doing some research on the Indian basketball scene I discovered some possibly planned (or co-incidental) links forming between the Sacramento Kings basketball organization and India.

First off, as many of you already know, the Sacramento Kings was recently bought by a group led by a prominent Indian businessman named Vivek Ranadive. He founded a couple of IT companies and was a pioneer in some areas of Information Technology. Vivek grew up in Juhu (Mumbai) and being such a crazy basketball fan, he probably has some aspirations of spreading the love for the game of basketball in India.

Vivek Ranadive

Vivek seems like the kind of person who knows what he is doing. He was a part owner of the Golden State Warriors, but he had to sell his share with the Warriors before purchasing the Kings. He has the connections and the experience related to owning a sports team, and he has his own vision of how a team should be run. Here is an article where he talks about his transformative ideas.

Another interesting link I found was that the current Indian national team's head coach Kenny Natt was an assistant coach and an interim head coach with the Sacramento Kings prior to taking the job with the Indian national team. This might be a complete co-incidence but I found it very fishy (in a good way) that these links are being formed with the Sacramento Kings and India.

Kenny Natt

I have a feeling that the NBA, just like how they made all of China fall in love with the Houston Rockets, are planning on making India fall in love with the Sacramento Kings. Watch, the next thing we will see is the Sacramento Kings drafting a player of an Indian origin. I am all for these people to people contacts between the Kings and the basketball fraternity in India as long as it helps motivate more kid in India to take up basketball as a sport.

NBA in the Indian market: 
The NBA has been busy trying to get in touch with the Indian market over the recent years. Starting with Kevin Garnett (in 2006) players like Raja Bell, Brandon Jennings, Paul Gasol, Dwight Howard and many others have visited India to garner excitement about the NBA and basketball in general. There is talk about Chris Bosh visiting India this summer.

Here is Dwight Howard in India being....himself....

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