Friday, April 22, 2011

Tennis: 2011 Noida futures tournament Semi-finals

Prior post 4/21/11
Prior post 4/20/11

As I predicted in my last post, Vishnu Vardhan won against Karan Rastogi in the Semifinals of the Noida futures. Judging by the score 6-7, 6-1, 7-6 one can tell it was a very tough match for both players. Rastogi started off the game by winning a very close contested first set, Vardhan collected himself from the first set loss and came back strong in the second and third set to win the match.

This is not the first time Vishnu Vardhan has done this, he has a tendency to lose the first set and come back strong to win the matches. Vishnu has one of the strongest serves among all the Indians. He uses his power on the serve to his advantage and gets himself out of tough situations. Karan Rastogi, after having a good 2010 season, has been struggling with him form lately. Hopefully he will recover himself from this loss and re-gain his form.

In the other semi-final, Young-Jun Kim of Korea easily defeated Danai Udomchoke with a score of 6-1, 6-1. Based on the scores, Young-Jun Kim will be less tired compared to Vishnu Vardhan for the final bout. Lets wish Vishnu well and that he will recover before the final and give a good fight.

The draw sheet

The winner of this tournament will receive 27 ranking points while the loser will receive 10. If Vishnu Vardhan wins the final he will help himself to the rank of approximately 300, and if he loses he will place around 330. Vishnu is currently ranked 368 in the world.

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